How I choose which products to stock

How I choose which products to stock
Many people ask me how I choose which products to stock in the Creative Finds online gift store. It's simple really. Obviously the product has to be hand-crafted. But most importantly, I have to LOVE it. I have to love the story behind the product, the branding and packaging of the product, the person making the product and I have to feel 100% confident that the product is something that I, personally, would love to give a friend as a gift. Once these criteria have been met, I like to ensure the product is small and lightweight, making it easy and cost effective to post. I try to steer away from items that are fragile or breakable for the same reason. Likewise perishable goods. Although handmade chocolates and hand-crafted spirits make great gifts, I don't want to be responsible for storing and delivering such precious products. I'm conscious too, that gift giving can add up. An average family with 3 kids at school can have up to 10 gifts to buy per month. And you can quadruple that at Christmas time! So the gifts on offer in the Creative Finds online gift store, won't break the bank. They've been chosen at a price point that you don't need to think too hard about. And the big news this month is that you can now buy your gifts using After Pay. Spread your payments out, but be assured you can still give a beautiful gift and have it wrapped and delivered on time. So there you have it. Each and every product is personally selected by me once it's fulfilled the criteria above. Creative Finds Lifestyle Most importantly - I have to LOVE it.   I know your recipient will LOVE it too! Sx If there are any gifts you would like to see on offer in the Creative Finds Online Gift Store, please make contact with me here.

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