If you were to scroll back through my insta feed, I’ve posted this pic for 3 x years running.
As a solo-preneur, hand-made gift business, I was all guns blazing in the Chrissie lead up.
But post Christmas:
- None of you were thinking about gift shopping, so I figured you really didn’t want to be hearing from me.
- I was exhausted and craved the digital detox, and
- Our country was burning.
February is the Creative Finds New Year and with my children finally back to school after 9+ weeks (an insane length of time - lucky ducks!), I’m easing myself back into work mode.
The wonderful thing about time off is the chance to review, reassess and recharge…and I’ve got to say, finding the motivation to write this, my first post for 2020, has been challenging.
But here I am.
There’s been much heartbreak, uncertainty, anger and despair over these past two months in Australia, but amongst it also courage, gratitude, support and a strong sense of community.
These are the qualities that unite people. It’s a shame it takes a national disaster & tragedies to remind us that we are one. And that we are all in this big, crazy, colourful thing we call life, together.
Whilst obviously I want the fires out, I do hope the compassion continues.
Instead of blame or fear in 2020, I hope we each choose to:
- Tread a little lighter,
- Avoid judgement,
- Open our minds and
- Smile first
May the next 11 months bring all that you wish for.
Or something better.
S x