Style maven alert!
Linda is a friend, fellow business owner and one hell of a stylish lady. bon is her label where she proves that style and sustainability are not mutually exclusive.
Whenever I catch up with Linda, I immediately feel like a dag. Effortlessly chic, she knows how to rock the basics, but with edge. I sometimes think I want to be Linda when I grow up. But then something bright and sparkly catches my eye, and the cool, classic dresser in me is over ruled!
Hailing from NZ originally, Linda is based on Sydney's Northern Beaches in Sydney, which, let's be honest, is the capital of relaxed style. Basics done right - t-shirts, sweater and tanks, the bon label customer appreciates quality, has innate style, and supports the sisterhood.
The perfect reflection of Linda I'd say! S x
What is your name and what is the name of your business? bon label (always with a lower case b!).
It took a long time to land on the name bon for my label but as soon as the word came to me I knew it was the one, for several reasons :
bon is French for good and goodness is at the heart of bon.
Everything we do is driven by a desire to be good to people, the planet and womankind. It’s French! Parisian style is a huge source of inspiration for me so a French word for the label felt very right. The simplicity of the word represents our clean, simple easy style. And, it starts with the letter b. I’m not sure where or how it all started but a few years ago I noticed so many of the good things in my life started with b, and bon is no exception.
How long have you been operating your business?
bon launched in Feb 2016
What is the mission statement of your business?
Be good to womankind.
For us this looks like a circular eco-system whereby the production of bon essentials genuinely helps the women who make our garments; the garments themselves make the wearers life easier and better, the utility of our garments is high; our garments are recycled or repurposed; our business is successful enough to be able to give back to woman in need; our demand is such that we make more garments which helps the women making our garments... and so on.
In a nutshell, we’re on a mission to convert all women to wear ethically and sustainably made basics. And wear them to death. For life.
What products do you produce and who are your ideal customers? / What services do you provide and who are your ideal customers?
We make unf*ckupable organic cotton t’shirts and sweatshirts.
We created unf*ckupable as our sole design principle. The production of an unf*ckupable t’shirt, tank or sweatshirt doesn’t damage people or the planet.
It keeps its shape and doesn’t pill, shrink or stretch. You can throw it on with your oldest denim, your favourite or most structured blazer, your thongs or your highest stiletto, your most beautiful skirt or your most lived in cut-offs that you probably shouldn’t still be wearing in public but you can’t bear to throw away. In a nutshell, everyday garments you can’t go wrong in.
The woman who wears our unf*ckupable essentials is casually elegant, positive and playful. Her age is irrelevant. She has her shit (mostly, noone has it 100%!) together and has a style uniform that works for her.
She’s solar powered and she understands and respects the sisterhood.
She’s good for womankind.
What are your favourite aspect of running your business?
The autonomy (interestingly, this is also the least favourite aspect of running my business. Autonomy can be lonely, and also unproductive at times).
I also love that I have an opportunity to bring my mission to life. I love that I can get lost in pinterest, instagram or the wonderful world wide web in the totally legitimate guise of design research.
I love that I get to meet other women running equally awesome businesses. I love that bon is an integral and helpful part of so many women’s wardrobes.
I love that I, hopefully, genuinely make someone else’s life a little bit better - either by providing garments which make getting dressed that much easier every morning, or by providing safe, fair & stable employment.
Where do you find inspiration for your creations / or what is something you do regularly that inspires your creativity?
I LOVE to go to art galleries and the ballet for inspiration outside of my industry.
I think Isabel Marant is amazing and her style is always inspiring.
Pinterest, and a few accounts on insta are also great sources of inspiration.
I particularly like @sarahjaneclarke @bat_gio @vogueparis @sagliogeraldine
Why do you do what you do?
Ha, that’s a big question! I just feel like this is what I’m destined to do.
It feels really right. I honestly don’t know what I’d do if I didn’t do this.
Now that I’m a Mum to a wonderful boy I also really want to do this (and do it really well) so that I’m a good role model for him.
It’s really important to me that he sees me as successful and capable in my own right.
What are you most proud of?
Ha, also a good question!
Being a Mum.
Also, having the courage to take time out from bon. It felt a little risky and scary at the time but it’s paid off in several ways. Primarily, being able to devote the 1st year of my sons life just to him. And secondly, taking that time out allowed me to see the wood for the trees. It’s given me a new perspective and fresh energy. I’ve made some fairly massive changes to bon which will roll out later this year and I feel really good about them. It’s exciting.
What have you got in the pipeline for the remainder of 2019 / early 2020?
We’re in the midst of clearing out existing stock to make way for all new stock arriving in November.
I’ve taken bon back to its roots - good t’shirts, tanks and sweaters so that’s what you’ll see moving forward.
What is something about you that not many people know?
Ha, probably lots - I think I’m 1 of about 5 people who have never been active on social media.
I love late 70’s and early 80’s music. Totally obsessed (see answer below).
Everything about that era seemed free, fun and exciting but in a kind of pure, driven by love, goodness and good times way. I’m sure that wasn’t entirely the case, but to me the music is genuine talent, good to sing along to, reminiscent of a cool time in history and really motivating and uplifting. My husband thinks my Daily Mix is made for my Mum but I think it’s the best thing ever!!
What do you do in your spare time?
With a VERY active 1 year old spare time is pretty much non existent, but I do still sneak in the odd Vogue Living, Porter (until it recently folded, booo) & British Vogue.
I’m solar powered so any time we can get outside, especially to the beach, is where you’ll find me, Racer and my husband Cam.
What is your favourite song atm (I’m always looking to add some new music gold to the Creative Finds Spotify playlist!)
Blue Bayou by Linda Ronstadt. I LOVED this album (Simple Dreams) as a kid, Mum used to play it all the time. I loved the songs and the record cover - Linda Ronstadt looked so cool and elegant. I don’t know why it came to mind recently but I put it on Spotify and omg I loved it.
You have to listen to it loud and sing along, it’s the BEST. SUPER old school, SUPER good. https://open.spotify.com/album/15lJi5fAnWPltCKBTUbTry