Creative Finds Blog — fave finds of the month
fave finds from july...
have you visited "My Fave Finds of the Month" page lately?
It's right up there at the top right hand side of the home page...!
manly mini break...
Having just spent 4 of the most wild and wooly days in Manly on a little mini-break with the family...
march faves...
The next instalment of my monthly favourite finds is over here now...
Each month I'll add my fave 3 x handcrafted products that I've either stumbled across, bought or received as a gift and you'll be able to click on the image or the link to shop directly from the maker yourself...
my fave finds of the month - Feb
Okay, so here it is; the inaugural monthly selection of my favourite handcrafted finds...
Visit this new page on the website by clicking here: My fave finds for Feb!
Each product is something I've either purchased myself, been gifted, given to someone else, or I stumbled across and can't stop thinking about!
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