Women's & Girl's Emergency Centre Hampers

Women's & Girl's Emergency Centre Hampers

Amy at Confetti Rebels, is a true angel.

Not only does she design and make T-Shirts to empower women, entertain her myriad of followers with down to earth daily antics, and support other small businesses in their quests to grow and reach more customers, she chooses a cause or charity EVERY month to give to.

Amy @ Confetti Rebels

Either by donating cash from proceeds of her T-Shirt or Jumper sales, or by gifting hampers of goodies that she's curated from other small businesses who donate products.

I'm very proud to have donated 30 x handmade velvet & satin sleeping masks for Amy's Annual Christmas Hampers that she puts together and delivers personally to the Women's & Girl's Emergency Centre in Redfern, Sydney.

velvet & satin eye masks

Giving back is also one of my values here at Creative Finds, and each year I've chosen a cause close to my heart and donated.

Last year it was to the Conquer Cystic Fibrosis charity, where all proceeds from creative finds necklace sales were donated (over $250), as well as a gift box each for Men & Women I donated as raffle prizes for their annual Race Day. 

The year previous, Creative Finds supported our local Primary School in their fundraising efforts.

In 2020, we've seen an escalation of Women requiring emergency assistance as a result of Domestic Violence. The effects of Isolation as a result of Covid 19, have shockingly seen the need for emergency shelter rise across Australia.

In May, my wonderful followers and friends joined me in donating supplies & cash to the Hornsby-Kuringai Womens Shelter  (pic below), and now as we draw towards the end of what's been a very trying year for so many, I'm happy to be able to join forces with Amy and contribute a bit of love to Women and Girls in Crisis. 

HKWS Donations

A special shout-out must go to my neighbour and seamstress extraordinaire Alex Pengly, who agreed to make these luxe sleeping masks for me at a discounted rate in order to help me donate so many.

Thanks Alex! xx


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