Do you have a word for the year?
In 2020 mine was "trust" and it was a rather useful word to look at, read and reflect on as the year unfolded!
My word for 2021 is "create", which given the name of my little business, is quite fitting really.
I've begun to re-listen (for the 4th time!) to Big Magic by Elizabeth Gilbert and have been reminded once again that we are all creative beings, and our goal is to create and put our work out into the world. That's it. Who knows how, or even if, it will be received. That's not our concern. Just to create.
With this in mind, Alex and I have been back and forth workshopping a couple of new products this month; sampling & road testing prototypes, and I think we've finally nailed them.
You've all been so kind with your feedback on both the towelling bucket hat and the towelling beach bag, and we are thrilled to be making them both in 4 x different colour options.
I'd seen a few towelling and floral bucket hats on the beaches over the Summer. And we are always brainstorming uses for the Creative Finds exclusive Viscose fabric we had printed for the Kimonos.
So these towelling bucket hats tick both boxes as they're on trend & reversible - two hats for the price of one!

The bags too are fully lined in our complementary toned, floral fabric.
It is always with a mix of excitement and nerves when we put a new product out.
While I try to put you guys, my customers, front and centre when deciding what to make and offer in the creative finds gift store, often my decisions are clouded by an obsessive fixation I have on my shiny, new ideas...
If we consider that there is no failing, only learning; then I should be one smart cookie! There have been plenty of "learnings" over the past 7 x years and in a year where my focus is on finding more time to dream and create, there's bound to be plenty more.
If you have any suggestions or requests for pieces you'd like us to tackle, we'd love to hear them.
I'm aiming to refine our offering to key products and pieces that you've all been loving, and then create each of them in seasonal fabrics and prints on a quarterly basis.
That's the plan.
For now.
Until the ol' Shiny Object Syndrome kicks in again!