a little back story...

a little back story...

Hey there and welcome!

Today's blog is designed to give you a little background to Creative Finds.

Whilst I launched the current iteration of this biz late in 2017, it all began about 13 years ago as a Blog.

You see back in 2008 there was no social media or Pinterest, and blogging was my way of saving the creative finds that I’d stumble across.

My hubby would travel 3 x nights a week and I had babies who were in bed by 7pm. As I’m not really a TV watcher, I used those quiet evenings at home alone to binge on design blogs and to search for new, creative products & entrepreneurs online.

That Blog of mine morphed into a little online store where I would sell some of these finds as well as bits and pieces I’d pick up on my travels. I built that website myself and it was called (wait for it!); “find, found, forage”

The name was a mouthful, and the online store was a master class in amateur web design.

In 2017 I put on my big girl pants, did a whole lot of both soul and online searching, and decided to re-brand and re-launch with a professionally built website.

“Creative Finds” - and my pink and orange colour crush - was born 💗🧡

The website would be completely re-built once again between then and now, but today is made up of locally made, hand-crafted products that I source, as well as locally hand-made products that I’ve designed.

There are sooo many talented, local creatives and I love to support and share their skills and their story.

I’m not 100% clear on where this is heading, but I’m so thrilled you’ve all joined along for the ride.

It’s the journey that I’m loving - the people I'm meeting, and the products I'm discovering.  I’m sure the destination will reveal itself at some point…🤔

Thanks for hopping aboard the Creative Finds train, supporting handmade & shopping from your hearts.

Stacey xx

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