Meet our dear friends the Younger family: Ben, Lisa, Joshua and Chloe.
Ben was one of our Groomsmen and a nicer guy you'd be hard to meet!
His darling son Josh is eight years old and has Cystic Fibrosis.
Josh looks like most eight year-olds but he has to work very hard to maintain baseline health.
Josh takes roughly 20 to 25 tablets per day, ingests oral medications three times a day, spends 20 to 30 minutes a day doing physiotherapy and 10 minutes inhaling medications that help to clear his airways.
He does most of this without complaining despite the fact that some days he feels exhausted from his day a school.
Ben and Lisa work hard to support him through his health journey and do their best to treat him the same as their daughter Chloe who does not have CF.
As a family they are passionate about finding a cure for CF to ensure this life limiting illness does not rob any more families of their children, siblings or dear friends.
Cystic Fibrosis is the most common life threatening recessive genetic condition affecting Australian children today. Currently life expectancy for someone with CF is 37... this is something the fundraising efforts are desperate to change.
This Saturday - May 8th, Lisa and Ben are hosting a Race Day at Ascot Racecourse in Perth to raise funds for Cystic Fibrosis through Conquer Cystic Fibrosis (a 100% volunteer-run charity).
All proceeds go to research to find a cure for CF.
Creative Finds has been a regular donator to this annual Race Day. One year I hope to be there in person to help with their fundraising efforts.
To support the research, the Younger family and all other families affected by this currently incurable illness; please click here to make a donation:
S xxx