My goodness.
It's hard to predict what is going to happen next in our wonderful world, isn't it?
I found myself staring down the new month with a severe lack of motivation, so decided to take a week off social media.
When I checked back in, it turns out I wasn't alone - but sadly for most, it wasn't for the lack of mojo.
Following the killing of George Floyd, there was a call to the collective to replace time spent scrolling & posting, to stand in solidarity, and educate ourselves on the ongoing racial prejudices that plague societies across the globe.
There are so many worthy causes to get behind, but in light of the current focus on unequal justice, I've got a couple of links below to resources I'm digging into, that might assist you too.
Whilst it's an uneasy time, I've slowly regained my motivation - after all, there's only a couple of weeks before the kids are home again on school holidays.
I'm very aware of my fortunate position as a white woman. I'm also aware there are many injustices across our world, all as horrific and as deserving of our attention as each other.
The protests and riots this past week have brought about much conversation and heightened my awareness of both police violence and systemic racism.
Loads of resources have been shared across the web, but here's what I'm currently absorbing:
Reading: Talking to My Country - Stan Grant
Watching again (with the kids): Rabbit Proof Fence
Listening: One Wild Ride Podcast I/v with Delta Kay
Referring to: Michelle and Barack Obama's take and suggestions.
Many more suggested titles to read or view by clicking on these images below:
And there are many, many more ways to educate, learn, donate and take action.
Awareness is only the first step.