Creative Finds Blog — learn from home

my current top 9 favourite Poddys...

my current top 9 favourite Poddys...

I love me a good podcast. They're just the best resources for learning on the go and require more concentration - to fill in the visual blanks - than bingeing on Netflix. Once upon a time I'd only ever have Triple J on the radio, but these days, all passengers in my car or visitors to my house are subject to my latest Podcast obsession! I'm not talking True Crime or Fiction at all. I'm talking Business Advice, Interviews, and a whole load of Oprah! Here are my current faves, but I'm always looking for recommendations. Please leave a comment...

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get your craft on - from home!

get your craft on - from home!

Winter might be here, but travel interstate largely is still off the agenda.If you're also looking down the lens of another 3 x weeks of school holidays at home (insert eye roll here), then perhaps some virtual, DIY crafting workshops could be the answer?There are many makers and small creative businesses, who will deliver a kit with allthe materials required to your door, so you are all set to tune in and learn online with them. Perhaps even pouring a glass of wine and doing it together with the kids? The Finders Keepers markets cannot go ahead this Winter, but instead they've got an awesome immersion weekend planned instead...

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