Creative Finds Blog — new year
a slight change in direction...
Anyone else finding March is their new January?!
I realise it's a privilege, however I've spent most of these first few months of 2022 focussing on family & home life, with just a little bit of business brainstorming thrown in...
2021 - the year to "create"
Do you have a word for the year? In 2020 mine was "trust" and it was a rather useful word to look at, read and reflect on as the year unfolded! My word for 2021 is "create", which given the name of my little business, is quite fitting really. I've begun to re-listen (for the 4th time!) to Big Magic by Elizabeth Gilbert and have been reminded once again that we are all creative beings, and our goal is to create and put our work out into the world. That's it. Who knows how, or even if, it will be received. That's...
February is the new January
If you were to scroll back through my insta feed, I’ve posted this pic for 3 x years running. As a solo-preneur, hand-made gift business, I was all guns blazing in the Chrissie lead up. But post Christmas: None of you were thinking about gift shopping, so I figured you really didn’t want to be hearing from me. I was exhausted and craved the digital detox, and Our country was burning. February is the Creative Finds New Year and with my children finally back to school after 9+ weeks (an insane length of time - lucky ducks!), I’m easing myself...
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