Creative Finds Blog — supporting small
"Where do you 'find' your Creative Finds?"
People often ask me "where do you find all those lovely, hand-crafted gift products?" This is what I tell them... Firstly, I love nothing more than a rummage through market stalls and I can scan those gazebos pretty quickly to determine if the items on offer are something that I'll pursue. The calibre of products is much higher than the twee little local fetés of days gone by. Clever makers are aware of branding and the importance of positioning themselves as designers as well as craftspeople. I for one, am a sucker for a stylish market stall selling unique products, made...
2021 - the year to "create"
Do you have a word for the year? In 2020 mine was "trust" and it was a rather useful word to look at, read and reflect on as the year unfolded! My word for 2021 is "create", which given the name of my little business, is quite fitting really. I've begun to re-listen (for the 4th time!) to Big Magic by Elizabeth Gilbert and have been reminded once again that we are all creative beings, and our goal is to create and put our work out into the world. That's it. Who knows how, or even if, it will be received. That's...
Women's & Girl's Emergency Centre Hampers
Amy at Confetti Rebels, is a true angel. Not only does she design and make T-Shirts to empower women, entertain her myriad of followers with down to earth daily antics, and support other small businesses in their quests to grow and reach more customers, she chooses a cause or charity EVERY month to give to. Either by donating cash from proceeds of her T-Shirt or Jumper sales, or by gifting hampers of goodies that she's curated from other small businesses who donate products. I'm very proud to have donated 30 x handmade velvet & satin sleeping masks for Amy's Annual...
2020 - the year that was
Fun Find Friday! So, it’s 7 weeks today until Christmas. This year has been like no other in my living memory. A new decoration for the tree to pull out each year is a tradition in many homes. And each of these ornaments will certainly take you back. Whilst I’m not sure we’ll need any help in remembering 2020; a quick search on Etsy will uncover some tree decorations that will hopefully be unique to this year They’d make great little gifts at your table setting, or even tied to a bottle of wine for the Chrissy Parties we’ll be...
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